Thursday, July 8, 2010


I actually had little time to think the past couple of weeks. I'm on night duty, and I usually spend my days sleeping or re running One Tree Hill. Ironically, time is getting slower and faster by the minute. How could I not miss writing? I just went blog hopping, started out from Bianca's until I came across a blog of a traveler and photographer, and geez, I'm so guilty I took this blog for granted in a while.

So the next entries I will try to write soon will be somewhat inspired by a lady whose blog featured more than 30 letters to different someones. And I'm planning on doing the same. It was fun, it took me up, took me down, gave me a different perspective on things. So, just so you'd know, that's how it will start by the next entry.

And, this is what I'll be doing, hopefully, while waiting for Chimboro's cute lil brother, Chimborito. :)

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